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Cement Corporation of India Limited, Post Box No.l 3061, Lodhi Road Post Office, New Delhi, Delhi 110 003
Candidates Should have Engineering Degree/ Bachelor’s Degree/ PG Degree/ Diploma/ MBA/ CA/ ICWA/ Final Examination of CA.
Fresher 30,000/- More than 02 vears'of experience 40.000/
35 Years.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Candidates are required to apply offline for which the prescribed form in word I PDf format can be downloaded from CCI Website in the career section. Candidates will be required to submit their application in the prescribed format (in hard copy by post)
The appointment is purely on Fixed Term contract basis (whichever is applicable) and it is not permanent in nature. This engagement will not entitle any candidate to claim for regular/permanent employment in the company. On completion of tenure, the incumbent shall stand relieved automatically. The initial tenure would be for one year, which can be extended for another 3 years, based on the peformance of the incumbent. The fixed term contract can be terminated by giving one month's notice/contractual fee (for candidates selected for Post Code 01 to 11) and 15 days' notice/ contractual fee (for candidates selected for Post Code 12) in lieu of the notice period, by either side. The contractual engagement shall be extended upto a maximum of 04 years, on the expiry of which, the contractual engagement shall stand terminated automatically. Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply. The selected candidates can be posted at any Unit/Office. Those working in Govt./PSU may apply through proper channel/submit NOC at the time of interview or should submit proper relieving letter from present employer in the event of selection. Mere fulfilling of eligibility criteria shall not confer any right to the applicant for being called for the interuiew/appointment. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate. The company reserves the right to cancel/amend the advertisement andlor the selection process there under. The number of positions filled may increase or decrease depending on the requirement. All appointments will be subject to medical fitness as per company rules. Candidates should ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post they have applied in case it is found at any stage of selection process or even after appointment that the candidate has furnished false or incorrect information or suppressed any relevant information/material facts or does not fulfil the criteria, his/her candidature/ services are liable for rejection/termination without notice. In case any discrepancy I false information is detected at any later stage, the contract will be terminated immediately and legal action can also be taken as per extant rules. All disputes/cases related to this recruitment process are subject to jurisdiction of courts of Delhi only. CCI reserves the right to relax age/experience/qualification and other qualifying criteria in deseruing cases. Any corrigendum / clarification on this adveftisement, if necessary, shall be uploaded on CCI website only & no separate press coverage will be notified for this purpose. All correspondence wil! be made at email id only as mentioned in the application form
Official Website Document
Engineer, Officer, Chartered Account (Vacancies 32) – Last Date 31 October 2023, Cement Corporation of India Limited (CCI) recruits Engineer, Officer, Chartered Account post. Engineering Degree/ Bachelor’s Degree/ PG Degree/ Diploma/ MBA/ CA experienced candidates can apply.
Monthly based
Delhi , India