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Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar, Kokrajhar, Assam 783370
Ph.D. degree in the relevant field and First class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the relevant branch. ii. At least 6 research articles in SCI/Scopus/UGC approved list of journals. iii. Minimum of 8 years of experience in teaching / research / industry out of which at least 2 years shall be Post Ph.D. experience.
Rs. 131400-144200/-
How To
Apply For
CIT Kokrajhar
Vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-12/11/2023
1. Appointments shall be made as per the rules of the Institute. 2. The post carries retirement /terminal benefits as per Govt. of India norms. 3. Besides pay, the post carries allowances according to the Institute rules, which at present are at par with Central Government employees. 4. The SC/ST/OBC candidates are required to attach the Caste certificate while Disability certificate by the Persons with Benchmark Disability (PWBD) as per format prescribed by the GoI. 5. Age relaxation in respect of SC/ST/OBC/PWBD and other categories of candidates will be admissible as per the Govt. of India norms. 6. The Institute reserves the right to screen and short list candidates for interview. The Qualification & Experience indicated are bare minimum and mere possessions of the same will not entitle the candidates to be called for interview. 7. The number of vacancies indicated in the advertisement is tentative. The Institute reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of advertised posts at the time of selection. Further, CIT, Kokrajhar also reserves the right NOT to fill all or any of the post advertised and to postpone or cancel the recruitment exercise for any or all the posts without assigning any reason whatsoever. The decision of the Institute in this regard will be final and binding on all the applicants who respond to this advertisement. 8. No interim communication on the status of application will be entertained. 9. Candidates serving in Government/Semi-Government /Public Sector Undertakings should send their applications either through proper channel or should furnish a No Objection Certificate (NOC) at the time of interview. They can however, send an advance copy (with 02 photocopies), along with demand draft in original. 3 10. The candidate applying for more than one post, must make separate application for each post (along with required demand draft in original) and send them in separate covers super-scribing the post applied for. 11. The complete postal address (including Contact No. & Email address) of the present employer mentioning the name of the organization or Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous/Public Sector Undertakings/Private Sector should be indicated in the Application form. 12. Canvassing in any form or bringing in any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post. 13. The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her services shall be terminated. 14. Applications with all supporting enclosures (along with 02 photocopies of the same) in the prescribed format of the institute should reach the undersigned on or before 19/11/2023 (midnight) along with a Bank Draft of Rs. 1500/- (Rupees fifteen hundred) for UR & OBC and Rs. 750/- (Rupees seven hundred and fifty) for SC/ST in favor of CIT Kokrajhar payable at SBI Balagaon (IFSC: SBIN0007379). PWD/Women candidates are exempted from paying the application fee. The application fees once paid will not be refunded on any account. 15. The envelope should be super scribed as “Application for the post of …………………….in the Department/subject of ……………….”. 16. Applications without required self-attested testimonials would be summarily rejected. 17. The applicants should send their application through this Google Form Link: in advance. Then, the hard copies of the application along with all self-attested enclosures (along with 02 photocopies of the same) and original Demand Draft must reach the office of the undersigned. 18. Filled in applications only in prescribed format received through Google Form followed by signed hardcopies by post will be considered. Applications received after the due date shall not be considered. The institute will not be responsible for any delay due to postal, Google Form submission failure etc. 19. The Demand Draft should not be drawn before the date of issue of this advertisement and after the closing date for receipt of applications. 20. Important Dates
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Assam , India