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Central University of Jharkhand , Ranchi, Jharkhand 835222
Master‟s Degree of a recognised University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level; OR Master‟s Degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level; OR Master‟s degree of a recognised University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi medium and English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level; OR Master‟s degree of a recognised University in any subject other than Hindi or English. With English Medium and Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of a examination at the degree level; OR Master‟s Degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as a compulsory or elective subjects or either of the two as a medium of examination Page 4 of 13 and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at the degree level AND Three years experience of using / applying terminology (terminological work) in Hindi and translation work from English to Hindi or vice-versa, preferably of technical or scientific literature under Central / State Govt. / Autonomous Body / Statutory Organisation / PSU / Universities or recognised research or educational institutes OR Three years experience of teaching in Hindi and English or research in Hindi or English under Central / State Govt./ Autonomous Body/ Statutory Organisations/ PSUs/ Universities or recognised research or educational institutions.
Rs. 56100-217100/-
55 Years.
Studied one of the languages other than Hindi included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution at 10th level from a recognised board.
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date- 18/10/2023
1. Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post will be required TO SUBMIT SEPARATE ONLINE APPLICATIONS ALONG WITH SEPARATE ONLINE APPLICATION PROCESSING FEES. 2. Applicants are advised to submit the documents related to their Change of Name (if applicable) (i.e. Marriage Certificate, Gazette for Name Change, Aadhar Card). 3. The Experience and Qualification will be reckoned as on last date of submission of Online Application. Applicants are advised to submit the applications to the University well in advance without waiting for the last date to avoid last minute rush. 4. The experience shall be reckoned after passing of the essential qualification. 5. The University may conduct written test for recruitment for some position or all the positions at the discretion of the University. The details viz., scheme of examination, syllabus etc. will be uploaded in the University website in due course. 6. Applicants must produce original testimonials, certificates / educational qualifications and other documents at the time of document verification/interview. 7. The applicants must ensure that he / she fulfils the eligibility conditions for the post applying for. 8. The University will verify the antecedents and documents submitted by candidates at any time, at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. In case it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidates have undesirable clandestine antecedents background and have suppressed the said information, his / her services shall be liable to be terminated. 9. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issuance of appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify / withdraw / cancel any communication made to the candidates. 10. The reservations / relaxations for Ex-serviceman will be as per the existing Govt. of India rules. 11. Reservations for SC, ST, OBC, EWS and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities will be as per existing Government of India norms as amended from time to time. Candidates applying for the reserved posts should clearly state to which category they belong. 12. Candidates seeking reservation under SC/ST/OBC/EWS category are required to submit certificate on the format prescribed by the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training. 13. In case of candidates want to claim benefits under the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) category, the candidates‟ relevant disability should not be less than 40%. Proof to this effect, must be submitted as per the format prescribed by the Govt. of India without which the application will be treated as 'General (unreserved)'. 14. Permissible relaxation in upper age limit and category-codes for claiming age relaxation are as follows: Page 5 of 13 Category Age-relaxation permissible beyond upper age limit SC/ST 5 years OBC 3 years PwBD (Unreserved) 10 years PwBD (OBC) 13 years PwBD (SC/ST) 15 years Ex-Servicemen (ESM) 3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date 15. Mere fulfillment of the qualification or the eligibility criteria does not entitled an applicant to be necessarily considered for all written test/ interview. The University reserves the right to restrict the candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed as decided by duly constituted Screening Committee(s) and approved by the competent authority. Call letters for attending interview will be sent only to the short-listed candidates by E-mail. No correspondence will be entertained with the applicants who are not short-listed to be called for interview. Hall Tickets / Call letters and other correspondence for attending the written examination etc. will be sent only to the eligible candidates by email only. 16. Canvassing in any form on behalf of or by any candidate will disqualify him / her from being considered. 17. Candidates already in government service must submit a endorsement/NOC from their employer. In case the applicants are in government service and delay is expected in getting endorsement/NOC of the employer concerned, the applicants may submit their application form, however, they will have to submit a 'NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE' along with Vigilance Clearance Certificate from his/her employer to the University at the time of interview or document verification as the case may be. 18. Candidate applying for the post of Assistant Librarian with Ph.D. Degree awarded in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulation, 2009 or 2016 are required to submit a certificate in the prescribed format (Appendix-A) from the concerned University to the effect that their Ph.D. degree is compliant of „UGC (Minimum standards and procedure for awards of M.Phil. /Ph.D degree) Regulation 2009. 19. Candidate applying for the post of Assistant Librarian with Ph.D Degree who has registered for the Ph.D. programme prior to July 11, 2009, shall submit a certificate in the prescribed format (Appendix-B) from concerned University/Institute in accordance with the University Grants Commission on minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in universities and colleges and measures for the maintenance of standards in higher education (3rd Amendment), Regulation, 2016. 20. The panel of selected waitlisted candidates will be valid for one year from the date of approval of the competent authority. 21. The candidates selected shall be appointed under a written contract as per University norms. 22. The candidates selected for the post shall be required to serve at any place / department / centre as notified by the Central University of Jharkhand. 23. The recruitment to the advertised posts shall be carried out in accordance with the prevalent University rules and regulations framed from time to time. 24. All the appointees including the in-service candidates shall be governed by the National Pension Scheme (NPS) introduced by Govt. of India. 25. The University reserves the right: a) To withdraw the advertisement either partly or wholly at any time without assigning any reason to this effect. b) To fill or not to fill up some or all the posts advertised for any reasons whatsoever. c) To increase / decrease the number of posts after due procedure as per directions of UGC from time to time. 26. No TA / DA will be paid for attending interview. However, for outstation SC / ST / PwBD candidates‟ second-class single railway to and for fare on shortest route will be reimbursed after Page 6 of 13 attending the interview. This is not admissible to SC / ST / PwBD candidates who are already employed in the Central / State Government services / Autonomous bodies, etc. 27. In case of any dispute / ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the ViceChancellor, Central University of Jharkhand in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, conduct of examination / interview will be final and no query or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual or his / her agency. 28. Candidates, who have obtained degrees or diplomas or certificates for various courses from any Institution declared fake / derecognised by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the posts advertised. 29. The character of a person for direct recruitment to the service must be such as to render him/her suitable in all respect for appointment to the service. Persons dismissed by the Union Government or by a State Government or by a Local Authority or a Government Corporation owned or controlled by the Central Government or State Government will be deemed to be ineligible for appointment. 30. No person shall be recruited unless he/she is in good mental and physically fit and free from any physical defect that is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his official duties except PwBD (Divyang Candidates). If selected and appointed, he/she shall be required to produce a medical fitness certificate from Competent Authority as specified by the university. 31. Errors and omissions in notification and selection process are subject to corrections as per rules and regulations of University / UGC / GOI. 32. One of the referees should be from the organization where the candidate is presently working. 33. Acceptance of documents submitted by an applicant shall be subject to verification the competent authority at any point of time even after joining the employment. If any document is found to be false/fake/incorrect either before or after appointment, the document shall be summarily rejected or action may be initiated against the candidate which shall lead to cancellation of his appointment, as the case may be. 34. The persons appointed against any post shall be governed by the Act/Statutes/Ordinance/Rules of the University and also the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, CCS (CCA) Rule, 1965 or any other rules of the Government of India, as amended from time to time and any other rule/resolution prescribed specifically for maintaining the conduct of the employees by the Executive Council of the University. 35. Candidates in their own interest are advised to remain in touch with the University website they should also regularly check their email account for updates. Amendments / changes if any in the advertisement shall be published only on the university website 36. All documents submitted by the candidates should be serially numbered and indexed. 37. The terms and conditions of appointment shall be communicated to the candidate in the form of “offer of appointment” to selected candidates. If the candidate does not accept the terms and conditions mentioned in the offer of appointment within the stipulated time, the offer shall be treated as withdrawn. 38. In case of any dispute, suit or legal proceeding against the university, the jurisdiction shall be restricted to Hon‟ble High Court of Ranchi, Jharkhand.
Official Website Document
Hindi Officer Vacancy – Last Date 18 October 2023 (Ranchi, Jharkhand), Central University of Jharkhand recruits Hindi Officer post. Candidates with Master‟s Degree Experienced can apply.
Monthly based
Jharkhand , India