No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
Eastern Railway, Kolkata, West Bengal 700 012
The candidate must have passed 10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 50% marks, in aggregate, from recognized Board and should also possess the National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by NCVT/SCVT.
15 Years Maximum Age : 24 Years
How To
Apply For
Eastern Railway
Vacancy :
i. Before applying, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils all the eligibility criteria. If at any later stage, the particulars furnished by the candidate are revealed to be not conforming with the eligibility criteria, his engagement will be terminated forthwith. All annexures in the given formats for claiming fees exemption, reservation, age relaxation, etc. must be submitted at the time of verification of documents. ii. The candidates are required to apply ONLINE by visiting the link provided on the Notice Board of official website of RRC/ER Kolkata. They must go through the detailed instructions before filling up the online applications. iii. All relevant fields/boxes must be carefully filled up by the candidate. The particulars (including spellings) must match with the details available in the Matriculation certificate like name, father’s name, date of birth etc.
i. The candidates finally engaged will be provided Stipends at the prescribed rate as per extant provisions. ii. This notification is purely for apprenticeship training and not for employment. Training in Railway establishments under the Apprentices Act, 1961 does not; by itself confer any right, whatsoever, for appointment in railway services by default. iii. However, 20% of the vacancies notified to be filled up in Level – 1 recruitment notification (erstwhile Gr. ‘D’ category posts (Grade Pay – Rs.1800/-) shall be filled up by giving preference to the Course Completed Act Apprentices trained in Railway establishments and possessing National Apprenticeship Certificates granted by NCVT, subject to such candidates found suitable in other aspects and they have scored the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination. iv. In matters of determination of eligibility and admitting the candidature of applicants, the decision of RRC/ER shall be final. v. The Eastern Railway administration does not take any responsibility for sending replies to the candidates not selected or not called for. vi. The selection is purely merit based and the Railway does not appoint any facilitation centre/coaching centre for the said selection. The candidates are advised to be aware of/avoid unscrupulous elements promising selection. If they come across such occurrences, they are advised to bring it to the notice of the SDGM/ER and local police with copy to this office.
Official Website Document
Eastern Railway RRC ER Kolkata Apprentices Vacancy – Last Date 26 October 2023 (Kolkata, West Bengal), Eastern Railway recruits Eastern Railway RRC ER Kolkata Apprentices posts. Candidates with 10 High School experienced can apply.
Monthly based
West Bengal , India