No Of
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Gurugram University, Gurugram , Haryana 122003
Ph.D. degree in the relevant field and First Class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the relevant branch. AND ii) At least total 6 research publications in SCI journals/UGC /AICTE approved list of journals. iii) Minimum of 8 years of experience in teaching /research/industry out of which at least 2 years shall be post PhD experience.
55 Years
How To
Apply For
Gurugram University
Vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-30/11/2023
All applicants are required to apply in the prescribed format available on the university website, with complete, correct information and attachments. The applicant will be solely responsible for the authenticity of the submitted information. The applicants are required to read these details before filling up the form:- 1. The candidate must be citizen of India. 2. For the post(s) advertised for reserved categories, the applications of only Haryana resident’s shall be entertained. The application for such posts of residents other than Haryana, if any, shall be deemed rejected. 3. Applicants should possess the prescribed qualifications and experience as on the closing dateof application as prescribed by the University from time to time for the respective post. The prescribed essential qualifications and experience indicated at Annexure A are bare minimumand mere possession of the same will not make any candidate to be shortlisted for further written test / interview. 4. A relaxation of 5% shall be allowed at the Bachelor's as well as at the Master's level for the candidates belonging to Scheduled caste/Scheduled Tribe/Backward classes 'A' & 'B', (Non-creamy Layer) of Haryana/Differently- abled (a) Blindness and low vision; (b) Deaf and Hard of Hearing; (c) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid-attack victims and muscular dystrophy; (d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness; (e) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under (a) to (J) including deaf-blindness) for the purpose of eligibility and assessing good academic record for direct recruitment. The eligibility marks of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever the grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible, based only on the qualifying marks without including any grace mark procedure. 5. A relaxation of 5% shall be provided, (from 55% to 50% of the marks) to the Ph.D. Degree holders who have obtained their Master's Degree prior to 19 Sept, 1991. 6. The scrutiny of applications will be done on the basis of the information filled and documents uploaded by the applicants and thus remain provisional till the same gets verified. If on verification, any information/document is found to be incorrect at any stage (even after selection) the applicant will be liable for prosecution as per rules. 7. The written test will be conducted for the shortlisted applicants for the post of Assistant Professor and it will be mandatory to qualify i.e. to secure a minimum of 50% marks (47.5% for SC/PWD category) in this written test to be called for Presentation/Interview. 8. For the post of Associate Professor, all the parts of the Application form Part A, B & C are required to be filled. Incomplete applications and those received late on any account, including postal delay, or/ and without the prescribed fee, shall be summarily rejected. 9. The applicant who obtained his/her degree(s), which is/are essential for eligibility, from Singhania University (Rajasthan), EIILM University (Sikkim), Manav Bharti University (Himachal Pradesh), Vinayaka Mission University (Sikkim), Global Open University (Nagaland) and Vinayaka Mission University, Salem, Tamilnadu vide notification. D.O No. F 5- 4/2014 (CPP-I/PU) dated 05.08.2014 and D.O No. F 10-6/2011 (PS) Misc. dated 06.07.2015 havebeen declared ineligible for appointment in the University. However, his/her candidature will be considered for the appointment in the University if they upload the certificate as per Annexure titled “Certificate in respect to Ph.D. from main campus and 3 supervisor eligibility as per UGC norms”, in addition to Annexure titled “For the candidates who registered for PhD Programme prior to July 11, 2009” or Annexure titled “For the applicant who have registered for Ph. D. Program on or after July 11, 2009”, whichever is applicable, from concerned universities. Such applicant having degrees issued by the above Universities through Distance Education Mode will have to upload the certificate duly verified from the Distance Education Council/Distance Education Bureau, New Delhi (Annexure-B). 10.In case of applicant, who is otherwise eligible, the benefit of such degree(s) towards marks/weightage/score would also be subject to the submission of certificate(s) as per Annexures mentioned in point no. 05 above. 11.University reserves the right of deciding the discipline(s) as concerned/allied/relevant while scrutinizing the applications. However, the candidate if any shall have to submit the equivalency certificate of course with the required course for eligibility duly issued by the concerned regulatory body i.e. AIU etc. 12.RESERVATION:- (i) The benefit of reservation will be given only to those SC/PH category candidates who are domiciles ol Haryana State. (ii)The women candidates seeking reservation under SC/BC-A/BC-B category are required to submit the (last Certificate issued by the Competent Authority from Parental Side (Father's side) only. It should be noted that Certificate from in-laws (Husband Side) will not be entertained. (iii) It is clarified that State Government has decided to specify the criteria for exclusion of persons with the Backward Classes as Creamy Layer, regarding reservation in Services and Admission as per notification No. 491 - SW(I)2021 dated 17.11.2021. Therefore, the candidates belonging to BC-A/BC-B category of Haryana are required to submit latest/updated certificate as per notification No. 22113212013- 1GS-lll dated 22.03.2022 (available on the website of C.S. Haryana i.e. issued by the Competent Authority during 2023-24. (iv) The candidates of reserved categories of Haryana for which no post is available /reserved, if any, can apply for the posts of General category, if he / she fulfils all the eligibility conditions as meant for General category candidates, except fee. Such candidates must attach copy of their caste certificate for claiming fee concession. (v)In case the vacancies earmarked for EWS cannot be filled up due to non-availability of a suitable candidate belonging to EWS, such vacancy will be filled from General/Unreserved category. (vi) The reserved category candidates belonging to other States will compete against the posts meant for General/Unreserved category and will be considered as General/Unreserved category candidates. 13.The candidate applying for the post have to submit Application Form by speed / registered post on or before last date notified by the University, to the Deputy Registrar (Estt.), Gurugram University, Mayfield Garden, Sector-51, Gurugram -122003 along with self-attested visible/readable photocopies of certificates/testimonials/reprints of research publications, title page(s) with ISBN/ISSN and content page(s) of each Book / Journal / Proceeding in which the publication(s) under reference is /are published must be numbered in sequence. 14.No fee/document or both shall be entertained after last date/time of receipt of application. Candidates applying for multiple posts will be required to apply and pay separate fee against each post applied. 15.a) The candidate who are already in employment of Government Departments, Universities, Educational Institutions, Public Enterprises, Quasi-government Organisations etc., whether in a permanent or temporary capacity, must apply for the post through proper channel. b) Such candidate shall submit an advance copy/copies of their application directly to the University on or 4 before the last date of receipt of application as notified. c) If there is delay in the forwarding of the application, candidates should, if and when called for interview, bring with them the written permission of the Head of the Department or their employer as the case may be, permitting them to appear before the Selection Committee for interview. d) In absence of a “No Objection Certificate”, the candidates may not be interviewed. 16.Any of the posts advertised may be withdrawn from being filled-up at any time without assigning any reason at any stage and fees will be refunded by the University to such applicants. 17.The application form should be duly/properly filled in. The candidates will have to meet minimum score required for the said post, wherever applicable and should calculate the score accurately and justify their claim on their own by enclosing necessary documentary evidence in the support. 18.The applicant who have registered for Ph. D. Programme prior to July 11, 2009 and have beenawarded degree, are required to produce a certificate for the fulfillment of the conditions tobe certified by the Registrar or Dean Academic Affairs of the University concerned in the format appended at Annexure-C. 19.The applicant who have registered for Ph. D. Programme on or after July 11, 2009 are requiredto produce a certificate for the fulfillment of the provisions of the UGC (minimum standardsand procedure for award of Ph. D. degree) Regulations, 2009/2016 as the case may be to be issued by the Vice-Chancellor/ProVice-Chancellor/Dean, Academic Affairs/Dean, (Research & Development) of the concerned Universities as per Annexure-D. 20.Candidates applying for the post of Associate Professor are required minimum API score of 75 (Seventy Five). The candidates should calculate and justify on their own, enclosing necessary documentary evidence in support of their claim and should refer to guidelines / methodology for calculating Academic & Research score based on Performance Based Appraisal System for the post of Associate Professor appended at Annexure- E. 21.The Criteria for shortlisting of candidate for Assistant Professor is placed at Annexure-F. Respective columns of these annexures are to be filled and then to be signed by the candidate. 22.The Criteria for shortlisting of candidate for post of Associate Professor is placed at Annexure- G. 23.Candidates to be called for interview, especially even where specializations are mentioned against any post, will be decided by the Screening Committee whose recommendations for one being called (or not being called) for interview shall be final. Thus only those possessing the required specialization(s) and fulfilling the minimum eligibility conditions need to apply. 24.One’s claim for a given specialization must be supported by credible evidence in terms of research publications in peer reviewed Research Journals, and/or teaching experience in the relevant field/ specialization for at least five years to be properly certified and authenticatedby the appropriate authority/Head of the institution. Applications found lacking in any such respect(s) are liable to be ignored/ rejected. Those declared ineligible will not be informed of their status being as such. Candidates are thus advised to make sure before applying thatthey are indeed eligible for a given post both in terms of minimum eligibility conditions andthe required specialization attached therewith, if any. 25.Application Fee:-
Official Website Document
Monthly based
Haryana , India