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Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 211010
i. Academic Qualification ( select SSC (10th)only) Enter maximum marks & obtained marks in SSC certificate. Upload Scan copy of SSC board certificate in JPG/PDF/DOCX/DOC up to 200 KB with minimum size of 10KB & dimension that are at least 15 cm X 15 cm (566* 566 pixel) Note: SSC board certificate must be properly scan & clearly visible. ii. Technical Qualification (Select NCVT/SCVT only) a) Name of ITI/ITC: Enter full name of ITI/ITC b) Trade/Couse : Select the ITI trade c) Trade start date & end date (dd/mm/yy) d) Enter maximum & obtained marks in ITI all semester
28 Years
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-24/09/2023
1. Before applying, the candidate should satisfy themselves regarding eligibility criteria. The candidate should also ensure that the particulars furnished by him/her in the application form are correct in all respect. Submission of incorrect/false information is liable for cancellation of candidature. 2. Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination and possessing Original/Provisional certificate are only eligible. Candidates who are undergoing course & awaiting for their final year result are not eligible 3. Candidates must indicate percentage of marks as per university norms in the application form. In case of CGPA score, converted percentage as per the university norms should be entered. Candidates need to produce the CGPA to percentage conversion formula during document verification. 4. Candidates have to enter their NAME as it appears in SSC Certificate in Portal & application form. 5. The apprenticeship portals & are operated by MHRD & DGT, Government of India respectively. For enquiries regarding the issues related with web portal, the candidates are requested to contact help line numbers mentioned in the portal. Correspondence with respect to functionality of portal will not be entertained by HAL-Nasik. 6. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification. 7. Shortlisted candidates are to fulfill medical standards before they can begin the training. A medical fitness certificate from Civil Surgeon will be a pre-requisite to join as apprentice trainee. 8. Shortlisted candidates need to produce Police Verification Report from the residing District’s/Tehsil’s Superintendent/Commoner of Police at the time of Joining. 9. HAL-Nasik reserves the right to cancel the advertisement and/or the short listing process/or the allocation quota there under. Decision of HAL Management regarding the engagement will be final. 10. After completion of the training, there will be no obligation on HAL-Nasik to offer any employment based on this apprenticeship training. 11. Candidates have to make their own arrangements for accommodation & travelling for the engagement process. 12. Candidates are advised to check their emails and visit HAL Website regularly for updates related to the process
Official Website Document
Technician, Assistant Vacancy Last Date – 24 September 2023 (Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh), Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) Recruits Technician, Assistant posts. Candidate Bachelor’s Degree Experienced can apply.
Monthly based
Uttar Pradesh , India