No Of
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National Council of Science Museums, Kolkata, West Bengal 700 091
Any Graduate and must be Retired Defence Force (Army, Navy, Air Force) in Junior Commissioned rank in Army or similar rank in Air Force / Navy or Retired Para Military / Police (CISF, CRPF, BSF, RPF, SSB, State Police) in equivalent rank.
Rs. 44900-142400/-
45 years
Knowledge in fire safety measures and handling of firefighting equipment desirable.
He shall be responsible for exercise of control over security, conservancy, firefighting and gardening of the museum/centre; plans, coordinates, supervise and evaluates Fire and EMS operations; reviews departmental performance and effectiveness; responsible for the inspection of buildings and other properties for fire hazards and enforces local and direct activities at the time of emergencies as required; responds to alarms, administers initial emergency (care or response and / or service) when necessary and directs activities at the time of emergencies as required; ensure proper deployment & alertness of security personnel at all security points; ensure proper monitoring of movement of visitors and materials; monitor performance of upkeeping/monitoring agencies and ensuring proper upkeep and maintenance of the premises including garden, guest house/dormitory etc.; conduct periodical checks/mock drills for security and fire-fighting alertness, ensuring timely refilling of fire extinguishers, maintenance of fire hydrant/alarm system and any other work entrusted by superiors from time to time
How To
Apply For
Vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-18/10/2023
1. The post carry all India transfer liability. Allowances such as D.A./H.R.A/Transport allowance are admissible as applicable under the rules of NCSM. 2. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least minimum essential qualification(s) recognized by Central / State Govt / UGC / AICTE etc. laid down in the advertisement. 3. Application not accompanied with relevant certificates and testimonials shall be summarily rejected. Decision of NCSM in this regard shall be final. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence, political or otherwise, will be treated as disqualification. 4. Mere possession of requisite qualification and experience shall not entitle the candidates to be called for the test or /and interview. Decision of NCSM in this regard shall be final and binding. 5. In case the information provided by candidate is found to be false or the material facts are concealed by the candidate at any stage i.e. during processing of application or even after his/her joining in the Council, the candidature shall be cancelled forthwith and his/her service shall be terminated, if appointed. 6. Call letter (admit card) against valid application will be sent to the candidates at their email IDs mentioned in the applications which is required to be produced at the time of admission to the written examination or type test along with a valid photo identity card, in original, viz. Aadhar card/ PAN card/ Voter ID card/ Driving Licenses, Passport etc. 7. NCSM reserves the right to cancel recruitment in full or part without assigning any reason. 8. Interim enquires will not be entertained.
Official Website Document
Security & Maintenance Officer Vacancy – Last Date – 18 October 2023 (Kolkata, West Bengal), National Council of Science Museums (NCSM) recruits Security & Maintenance Officer post. Candidates with Any Graduate Experienced can apply.
Monthly based
West Bengal , India