Job Description

नार्थ ईस्टर्न इंदिरा गाँधी रीजनल इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ हेल्थ एंड मेडिकल साइंस

Assistant Accounts Officer(Degree) In North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute Of Health And Medical Sciences Recruitment


Assistant Accounts Officer(Degree)

No Of



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North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences , Shillong, Meghalaya  793018


1. Degree from a recognized University/lnstitute. 2. 3 (three) years' experience in Cash, Accounts and Budget work in a Government Office/ PSU/ Autonomous Body/ Statutory Body


30 years

How To
Apply For
Vacancy :

Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-23/11/2023


1. Upper age limit is relaxable for Govt. servants up to 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Govt. of India. 2. Relaxation of upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-serviceman/PwBDs candidates will also be allowed as per Govt. Rules, where reservations of posts are meant for these categories only. 3. Reservation for STs/SCs/OBCs and EWSs will be as per Govt. of India norms. 4. Persons who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs and whose family has gross annual income below Rs. 8.00 lakh (Rupees eight lakh only) are to be identified as EWSs for benefit of reservation. Reservation under Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) can be availed upon production of Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. The Income and Asset Certificate issued by any one of the following competent authorities in the prescribed format shall only be accepted as proof of candidate’s claim as belonging to EWS:- (i) District Magistrate/Addl. District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Addl. Deputy Commissioner/1st Class Stipendary Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate /Extra Assistant Commissioner. (ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate. (iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar and (iv) Sub-Divisional Officer or the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides. 5. Persons working under Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous organization should submit their applications along with NOC. 6. Candidates applying against post reserved for OBC category must submit a valid (up-to-date) “Non Creamy Layer” certificate from the appropriate authority. 7. The decision of the Institute as to eligibility or otherwise of a candidate will be final. 8. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of the application from the candidates. 9. The applicants, who do not have requisite qualifications up to the last date for submission of applications,will not be considered. 10. Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification. 11. In case response to the post is large in number, screening will be restricted to those with higher percentage of marks. 12. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 13. Mere fulfilling the minimum educational qualification and experience doesn’t bestow right to a candidate to be called for Written/online test. 14. Institute reserves the right to reject or accept any candidature without assigning any reason thereof. 15. The Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt of any application send by the candidates. 16. The Institute reserves the right to cancel or postpone the advertisement,if any, due to any administrative reasons arising thereof. 17. Due to dearth of quarters, the institute may not be in a position to provide quarters to selected candidates. If quarters are not provided the officer will be entitled to House Rent Allowances (HRA) as per prescribed rules.




Official Website Document


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Monthly based


Meghalaya , India

Job Overview
Job Posted:
1 year ago
Job Type
Full Time
Job Role
Assistant Accounts Officer
Bachelor Degree

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Location (Meghalaya , India)